[Lynda] Django: 2 Building a Social Website

Author Antonio Mele de Juan Released 5/26/2017 Django—a powerful Python web framework—offers a comprehensive set of tools to build scalable web applications. In this course, learn how to leverage the features of Django by building a social website, sharing content in that website, and tracking user actions. Antonio Mele de Juan walks through the creation […]

[Lynda] Magento Community Edition 2 Essential Training

Author Robert Ring Released 12/1/2017 Note: This course was created by OSTraining.  It was originally released on January 6, 2017. We are pleased to host this training in our library. Magento is one of the most popular ecommerce solutions in the world. But this powerful content management system also has a reputation for being challenging to […]

[Lynda] CSS Shorts Weekly

Author Chris Converse Updated 12/5/2017 Released 12/6/2016 CSS Shorts is a weekly series covering all aspects of CSS, including properties, preprocessors, positioning, floats, and the most up-to-date styling techniques. Instructor Chris Converse returns every Tuesday, bringing you short and timely tips that will help new and experienced web developers alike create more beautiful websites and […]

[Lynda] CSS: Advanced Layouts with Grid

Author Morten Rand-Hendriksen Released 8/30/2017 CSS layouts are becoming less of a puzzle. After decades of hacking CSS to make multicolumn layouts, the CSS Grid Layout module makes page layout predictable. In this course, take a step back from traditional layout models, and learn how to take full advantage of the new capabilities of CSS […]

[Lynda] Building Angular and Node Apps with Authentication

Author Alexander Zanfir Updated 10/17/2017 Released 5/16/2017 Are you already familiar with Angular 2 and Node.js? If so, this course can help you leverage these two popular frameworks to build a full-stack web application—which you can later use as a template for your own web app. Join Alexander Zanfir as he shows how to create […]

[Lynda] Building Angular and ASP.NET Core Apps with Authentication

Author Alexander Zanfir Updated 10/18/2017 Released 5/9/2017 Angular 2 and ASP.NET Core offer solid improvements over previous versions. In this course, discover how to work with these technologies to build a full-stack web application—which you can later use as a template for your own web app. Follow Alexander Zanfir as he explains how to create […]

[Lynda] Angular 2+: Creating CRUD Apps

Author Gary Simon Released 10/16/2017 Understanding how to perform create, read, update, and delete (CRUD) operations for a variety of apps is crucial for any developer. In this course, learn how to perform CRUD operations with Angular apps. Instructor Gary Simon begins by covering fundamental Angular concepts, such as how to use the Angular CLI […]

[Lynda] Angular 2 Essential Training

Author Justin Schwartzenberger Released 10/31/2016 AngularJS was designed by Google to address challenges programmers face building complex, single-page applications. This JavaScript framework takes care of the back end so you can take care of the client side. Angular 2 Essential Training introduces you to the essentials of this “superheroic” framework, including powerful features such as […]

[Lynda] Angular: API Communication and Authentication

Author Victor Mejia Released 7/13/2017 APIs are at the heart of enterprise development, and Angular ships with robust services to communicate with them via HTTP. But one of the best ways to implement authentication of API services is using JWTs (JSON web tokens). In this course, we take a deep dive into using the provided […]

[Lynda] WordPress: Building Themes from Scratch Using Underscores

Author Morten Rand-Hendriksen Released 2/6/2017 If you know how to build complex custom WordPress themes using the starter theme known as _s (Underscores), you can create nearly anything you can dream up. In this course, Morten Rand-Hendriksen shows how to build a theme piece-by-piece by breaking it down into sections including the header, menus, images, […]

[Lynda] Real-Time Web with Node.js

Author Kyle Simpson Released 1/30/2017 Note: Real-Time Web with Node.js was created by Frontend Masters. It was originally published on July 12, 2014. We are pleased to host this training in our library. Accelerate your development efforts by learning how to work with HTML5 APIs for real-time communications using Node.js. Join JavaScript expert Kyle Simpson in this […]

[Lynda] Mastering Web Developer Interview Code

Author Ray Villalobos Updated 11/14/2017 Released 7/18/2017 Whether you’re actively looking for a new job, or you just want to keep your coding skills sharp, it’s important to refresh your understanding of the kinds of front-end and full-stack developer code that potential employers value. In this weekly series, senior staff author explores essential coding skills […]

[Lynda] ES6: The Right Parts

Author Kyle Simpson Released 6/9/2017 ECMAScript 6 (ES6) introduced many important features that enhanced JavaScript, making it more concise and powerful, and allowing you to make your code more readable. In this course, learn how to use these ES6 JavaScript language features to write cleaner, more productive, and more readable programs. Kyle Simpson helps you […]

[Lynda] Advanced PHP

Author Justin Yost Released 9/13/2016 Implement namespaces, extend interfaces, create your first Trait, dive into object-oriented programming, and discover versatile scripting methods with this course. Web developer Justin Yost takes you into the advanced parts of the PHP server-side language, including abstract classes, iterators, generators, and password hashing. He provides an overview of each topic, […]

[Lynda] Advanced Express: Web Application Development

Author Michael Heap Released 10/6/2016 Note: Mastering Express Web Application Development was created by Packt Publishing. It was originally released on 6/30/2015. We are pleased to host this training in our library. Express.js is a fantastic JavaScript framework, but most people only scratch the surface. Express is perfect for developing APIs with performance in mind […]

[Lynda] API Design in Node.js Using Express and Mongo

Author Scott Moss Released 5/12/2017 Learning how to build an API with Node.js can sometimes be overwhelming. In this course, join Scott Moss as he explains how to design, build, test, and deploy a RESTful API using Node.js and Mongo. Scott covers topics such as working with middleware, testing in Node.js, application organization, data modeling, […]

[Lynda] WordPress: Creating an Intranet Website

Author Morten Rand-Hendriksen Released 3/23/2017 Provide shared access to files and resources within your organization by setting up an intranet website using WordPress. Ease of use, low maintenance, and high extensibility are just some of the reasons WordPress can work as an ideal tool for your company’s internal file sharing needs. This course shows how […]

[Lynda] Learning Enterprise Web Application Performance

  Author Maximiliano Firtman Released 10/10/2017 Most enterprise apps are moving online. But if your application takes more than three seconds to load, more than 50% of your users will abandon it. Web performance optimization (WPO) helps developers increase conversion and user efficiency while reducing server load. WPO is an essential technique for efficient web-based […]

[Lynda] The DOM in JavaScript, jQuery, AngularJS, and React

Author Christian Hur Released 8/14/2017 The HTML DOM (Document Object Model) opens up exciting new ways to create dynamic websites. Learn the different ways a developer can manipulate the DOM tree using common web technologies. Instructor Christian Hur introduces the DOM and shows how DOM elements are arranged and constructed. Next, he reviews the built-in […]

[Lynda] React: Lifecycles

Author Carl Peaslee Released 8/9/2017 Optimize your React components by utilizing the power of React lifecycle methods. Lifecycle methods can trigger different functions at each stage in a component’s lifecycle: initialization, mounting, updating, and unmounting. This course dives deeper into React lifecycle methods and shows how we can leverage them to build more performant, reliable, […]

[Lynda] React: ES6, ES2016, and Beyond

Author Carl Peaslee Released 8/14/2017 Learn the newest versions of JavaScript—ES6, ES2016, and beyond—so that you can create more efficient and concise React components. ES6 and ES2016 include many features that simplify React development, making your code cleaner and easier to read. Join Carl Peaslee, as he uses JavaScript features from ES6 and beyond to build a […]

[Lynda] Building and Deploying a Full-Stack React Application

Author Carl Peaslee Updated 6/26/2017 Released 4/7/2017 React—a popular JavaScript framework—boasts a number of developer-friendly tools that can help you quickly and efficiently turn your ideas into fully-functioning applications. If you already have a solid grasp of the essentials of full-stack JavaScript web development, this practical, project-based course can help you get acquainted with React. […]

[Lynda] Node.js: Testing and Code Quality

  Author Jon Peck Released 9/13/2017 A maintainable codebase should have clean and easy-to-manage code. In this course, Jon Peck shows how to gauge quality, implement testing, and measure code coverage in your Node.js apps. To help you better understand these key concepts, he walks through how to clean up a buggy restaurant booking app. […]

[Lynda] Linux for PHP Developers

Author Jon Peck Released 7/5/2017 Set yourself up for PHP programming in Linux—the fast, powerful, and free development environment that can be virtualized on almost any machine, including Mac and Windows computers. Explore various Linux distributions and the LAMP stack: the most ubiquitous web server solution on the Internet. Begin by downloading Linux, installing the […]

[Lynda] Webpack Deep Dive

Author Kent Dodds Released 6/14/2017 Building and deploying front-end applications can quickly grow complicated. webpack simplifies the task of managing web dependencies by offering a huge list of features that cater to a variety of JavaScript apps. In this course, explore these features, and learn how to migrate an existing JavaScript application to webpack 2. […]

[Lynda] Organizing JavaScript Functionality

Author Kyle Simpson Released 6/16/2017 No amount of learning the theory of JavaScript will substitute for actually practicing the implementation of it. Even before you adopt a framework, learning how to organize the different bits of JavaScript—modularizing, decoupling, etc.—will make a positive impact on the quality of your code. Once you’ve mastered those techniques, you […]

[Lynda] Creating an Open Source JavaScript Library

Author Kent Dodds Released 6/16/2017 Managing open-source projects for web development can be a rewarding—and intricate—endeavor. In this course, get started with open-source by learning how to build a small JavaScript library from scratch. Join Kent Dodds as he covers creating a micro library, writing and running tests, transpiling, and continuous integration. Plus, he shows […]

[Lynda] Ionic 3.0 for Mobile App Developers

Author Sani Yusuf Released 9/15/2017 In a landscape where mobile apps are at the forefront of technology, it can be challenging to pick an appropriate strategy for reaching users on different platforms. In this project-based course, Sani Yusuf walks through the ins and outs of the Ionic 3.0 framework, and shows how to develop highly […]

[Lynda] Learning Foundation 6

Author Jen Kramer Released 10/2/2017 Need to build a responsive website or app quickly? Foundation 6 simplifies the creation of mobile-ready, cross-browser interfaces. An open-source framework, it features a 12-column grid; buttons of many different shapes, sizes, and functionality; fully functional components that are ready to use; and much more. Plus, its Flexbox-based grid system and easy-to-edit […]

[Lynda] Introduction to CSS

Author Carrie Dils Released 6/7/2017 Once you have learned the basics of HTML, it’s time to start exploring Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), the language that makes HTML look great in the browser. This course gives you a tour of the possibilities, showing what CSS is capable of doing and the basics you need to make […]