[VueMastery] Firebase With Vue 3 And VueFire

VueMastery – Firebase with Vue 3 and VueFire [FCO] About Learn the foundations of using Firebase for the back end of your Vue apps So you’ve come to this point in your journey where you’ve been building powerful and dynamic apps with view, but you’re starting to hit a limit on what you can do […]

[Awwwards] Building An Immersive Creative Website From Scratch Without Frameworks

  Description There are countless advantages to creating websites from scratch without using JavaScript frameworks such as React, Vue, or Angular. Especially when you want to create something unique that has never been done before on any other website. Writing code from scratch can be pleasant, easier and speed up your entire workflow by focusing […]

[Code With Mosh] The Ultimate Redux Course

Go from beginner to expert in 6 hours. Everything you need to build modern apps with Redux. Learn to build modern apps Redux is the most popular state management library for JavaScript apps. It’s mostly used with React but it’s also becoming popular in Angular, Ember and Vue communities. Despite being a small library with […]

[PacktPub] JavaScript Essentials for Modern Web Development [Video]

  Dimitris Loukas January 24, 2020 3 hours 55 minutes Create dynamic and interactive web apps using JavaScript Learn Catch bugs early by learning about complex concepts that cause errors Take full advantage of JavaScript’s single thread to optimize your code’s execution time Utilize ES6 classes to work better with prototypal inheritance Improve your skills […]

[Laracasts] Testing Vue

Advanced Testing Vue testingvue.com How in the world are we supposed to unit test Vue components? Is it even possible? Why, yes. Yes it is! I’ll show you the full process, step by step. Not only will you learn the necessary tooling, but we’ll also review the ins and outs of testing your client-side code. […]

[Laracasts] Learn Vue 2: Step By Step

Intermediate Learn Vue 2: Step By Step vuecasts.com Vue is easily one of the most exciting additions to the front-end world in many years. With its intuitive API, and the fact that it can be applied to any type of application, it’s no wonder why folks have gravitated to it as much as they have. […]