[Pluralsight] Ethical Hacking: Understanding Ethical Hacking

ReleaseDate“: “2015-05-20T00:00:00Z”,
UpdatedDate“: “2015-05-20T00:00:00Z”,
Level“: “Beginner”,

ShortDescription“: “This course will significantly benefit security officers, network administrators, firewall administrators, auditors, security professionals, site administrators, and anyone who is concerned about the integrity of their network infrastructure. Additionally, anyone looking to obtain their Certified Ethical Hacker certification can use this course along with the others in this series to prepare for the exam. You should have a strong understanding in TCP/IP, operating systems, and have at least 1 year experience of networking technologies. This course is part of the Ethical Hacking Series. http://blog.pluralsight.com/learning-path-ethical-hacking”,

Description“: “This course will start you down the path of becoming an Ethical Hacker, or in other words; become a \”Security Profiler.\” You will learn to start thinking and looking at your network through the eyes of malicious attackers. You will learn to understand the motivation of an attacker. It is the duty of all System Admins and Security Professionals to protect their infrastructure from not only outside attackers but also attackers within your company. We will cover the terminology used by attackers, the difference between \”hacking\” and \”ethical hacking\”, the phases of hacking, the types of attacks on a system, what skills an Ethical Hacker needs to obtain, types of security policies, why Ethical Hacking is essential, how to be in the \”know\” of what’s happening in the hacking world, who a \”hacker\” is, what are the biggest security attack vectors, and more. This course is part of the Ethical Hacking Series. http://blog.pluralsight.com/learning-path-ethical-hacking”,

DurationInMilliseconds“: 25256000,
HasTranscript“: 1,
AuthorsFullnames“: “Dale Meredith “,

Size: 911.85M

9 thoughts on “[Pluralsight] Ethical Hacking: Understanding Ethical Hacking”

  1. from rural Africa… where can i get free ethical hacking videos from zero to hero. i am just a self taught computer student…. can someone help.

  2. Here is the magnet link for Philip Bloom masterclass. Cheers !
    Sharing is caring.


  3. Please upload josh morony ionic courses! www.joshmorony.com
    He has two amazing Ionic tutorials. I wonder why they never showed up yet!

  4. Hey, FCO team really appreciate your efforts.By any chance you guys will be doing MZED tutorials, please let me know it will be a huge help towards the amateur filmmaker’s community. FTU and FCO team god bless you for your awesome efforts.


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