[Pluralsight] Ethical Hacking: Hacking Wireless Networks

ReleaseDate“: “2016-05-03T00:00:00Z”,
UpdatedDate“: “2016-05-03T00:00:00Z”,
Level“: “Beginner”,

ShortDescription“: “In this course, you’ll learn the hacking methods that can be used to gain access to your network and how to best lower that security risk. This course is part of the Ethical Hacking Series. http://blog.pluralsight.com/learning-path-ethical-hacking.”,

Description“: “Great! You have just finished setting up your wireless network. You did everything you were suppose to, like giving your SSID a unique name and securing your network with a strong password, so that someone can’t piggyback off your network. Now that you are \”safe and secure,\” you don’t have to worry about hackers right? SLOW DOWN there skippy. While you have taken the \”basic\” steps required, you still need to be aware of some hacking methods that can be used to gain access to your network, despite your precautions. You also need to be very wary whenever you are accessing the network that is not your own, and let’s not forget about other wireless technology; Bluetooth. This course is part of the Ethical Hacking Series. http://blog.pluralsight.com/learning-path-ethical-hacking.”,

DurationInMilliseconds“: 10627000,
HasTranscript“: 1,
AuthorsFullnames“: “Dale Meredith “,

Size: 436.82M

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