[Pluralsight] Ethical Hacking: Cloud Computing

ReleaseDate“: “2016-07-07T00:00:00Z”,
UpdatedDate“: “2016-07-07T00:00:00Z”,
Level“: “Beginner”,

ShortDescription“: “\”The Cloud\” has made a huge difference to the way we deliver our software and services over recent years. But it’s also changing the security landscape in both good and bad ways. This course looks at what changes with security in the cloud over traditional hosting models, and how we can best secure our solutions using this new paradigm. This course is part of the Ethical Hacking Series. http://blog.pluralsight.com/learning-path-ethical-hacking”,

Description“: “\”The Cloud\” is revolutionizing how we run software and services by providing low cost, flexible, and innovative alternatives to traditional hosting models. However, with the shift to cloud comes new security considerations. The cloud isn’t more secure or less secure, rather it’s differently secure; it strengthens security profiles in many areas whilst presenting new risks in others. Then again, many of the traditional risks in software don’t change at all. In this course, we’ll look at the ways the cloud can enable us to build more secure software than ever, whilst also identifying where it can leave us more vulnerable. We’ll also look at \”hardening\” the cloud – how can we take this new computing paradigm and use it to strengthen our security profiles? This course is part of the Ethical Hacking Series. http://blog.pluralsight.com/learning-path-ethical-hacking”,

DurationInMilliseconds“: 10743000,
HasTranscript“: 1,
AuthorsFullnames“: “Troy Hunt”,

Size: 483.99M

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