[Pluralsight] Android Programming with Intents

ReleaseDate“: “2011-11-15T00:00:00Z”,
UpdatedDate“: “2011-11-15T00:00:00Z”,
Level“: “Intermediate”,

ShortDescription“: “Virtually all interactivity between Android components occurs through a special messaging concept known as intents. In this course you will learn how to work effectively with and capitalize on the many capabilities of the Android platform provided through intents.”,

Description“: “Three of the core components of an application – activities, services, and broadcast receivers – are activated through messages, called intents. Intent messaging is a facility for late run-time binding between components in the same or different applications. In this course you will learn how to work effectively with and capitalize on the many capabilities of the Android platform provided through intents.”,

DurationInMilliseconds“: 15279000,
HasTranscript“: 1,
AuthorsFullnames“: “Jim Wilson”,

Size: 877.97M

2 thoughts on “[Pluralsight] Android Programming with Intents”

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