[Pluralsight] Android Animations

ReleaseDate“: “2015-05-23T00:00:00Z”,
UpdatedDate“: “2015-05-23T00:00:00Z”,
Level“: “Intermediate”,

ShortDescription“: “Enhance the user experience of your Android applications by applying animations to your apps.”,

Description“: “Android animation is one of the most important aspects in terms of developing apps. Every app in the playstore has its own respective functionality, so what’s responsible for such vast differences in popularity? It is the animation and visual effects of the apps that attracts users by enhancing the user experience. This course will walk you through all the basics and fundamental concepts required to implement your own animations in your applications. Also, in the last module you will see how to implement animations in real app scenarios.”,

DurationInMilliseconds“: 8004000,
HasTranscript“: 1,
AuthorsFullnames“: “Sriyank Siddhartha”,

Size: 415.08M

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